19th March 2011
A simple direct-conversion receiver for the Homebrew Group challenge this year.
28th February 2011
Some video from the 2011 CCARC Field Day at Wyong.
27th February 2011
A quick random dialling hack for the adding machine to demonstrate it at the Wyong Field Day.
Parent article: 555 Adding Machine.
22nd August 2010
Some pictures from the recent Winterfest HAM radio meeting.
27th March 2010
A tuned loop antenna with an active push-pull buffer featuring phantom powering via the coax feed.
7th February 2010
I build a variant of Roger G3XBM's latest experimental transceiver, the XBM80-2.
4th February 2010
Adventures in measuring the selectivity of MCU-controlled super-regenerative quartz crystal controlled receivers. Resulting in a very useful selective log power meter.
Parent article: MCU Controlled Super-regeneration with Quartz Oscillators.
1st February 2010
A RF power measuring head using the AD8307.
2nd June 2009
Some photos from the June 2009 ARNSW Homebrew Group Meeting.
31st May 2009
Pictures from the May 2009 ARNSW Trash and Treasure meeting.
22nd March 2009
I finally assemble the bolometer sensor head into something resembling a completed unit.
Parent article: RF and Optical Bolometer.
6th March 2009
I implement sequential multi-tone Hellschreiber modulation in the 30 metre QRSS beacon.
Parent article: 30 Metre QRSS Beacon.
25th February 2009
A thermal balance power meter for RF and Optical energy.
Contains 3 sub-articles.
24th February 2009
I finally sit down and calibrate the front-panel controls of the QRSS beacon.
Parent article: 30 Metre QRSS Beacon.
29th January 2009
A small variometer-style variable inductor as a prototype study of an interpolating inductor for an antenna matching unit.
25th January 2009
The Jan 2008 ARNSW Trash and Treasure, plus the Homebrew Group meeting.
13th January 2009
I finally put up my discone antenna after many years of kicking it around the balcony and also install the weather station my parents gave me for my birthday.
23rd December 2008
A two-component fix for the rail-to-rail oscillation of the ALC loop op-amp.
Parent article: MFJ-207 Review.
20th December 2008
Peter VK2TPM loans me his MFJ-269 to try out.
7th December 2008
Burkhard Kainka's super-regenerative FM receiver from Elektor September 2007.
23rd November 2008
A simple 100 kHz to 30 MHz sweep generator.
22nd November 2008
My take on the MFJ-207 HF antenna bridge.
Contains 1 sub-article.
17th November 2008
A simple RF sniffer for detecting LF to SHF radiation.
26th October 2008
A Carver-style LC Test Device.
25th October 2008
A simple timber jig for winding 100 mm basket weave coils for MF work and investigations into coil Q and the Proximity Effect.
19th October 2008
Another wavemeter, this time for the lower half of VHF.
12th October 2008
An absorption wavemeter for HF having fairly good sensitivity.
11th October 2008
I finally get around to writing up the circuit diagrams from this old experiment.
Parent article: AM Walkie-Talkie Experiments.
28th September 2008
A simple coaxial feedline choke (aka braid-breaker) for antenna experiments.
23rd August 2008
A simple transformer-based -20 dB transmission line tap.
20th August 2008
Some recent erudition from experiments on the 30 metre antennas.
16th August 2008
I complete and box-up the QRSS beacon, and experiment with a vertical antenna.
Parent article: 30 Metre QRSS Beacon.
10th August 2008
I get a basic QRSS beacon going on 30 metres.
Contains 3 sub-articles.
3rd August 2008
Summary of the reports received for the 80 metre beacon experiment.
Parent article: 80 Metre CW Beacon.
2nd August 2008
My slightly revamped return-loss bridge and using it for various measurements.
27th July 2008
Lots of pictures from the ARNSW Trash and Treasure and Homebrew Group meeting.
27th July 2008
I attend a Killarney Heights Space Program launch.
13th July 2008
I finally rig up a vertical antenna for my 80 metre CW beacon.
Parent article: 80 Metre CW Beacon.
29th June 2008
I put the 80 metre beacon in a box and do some more work towards an antenna for it.
Parent article: 80 Metre CW Beacon.
21st June 2008
A simple 1.5 Watt Morse beacon for 80 Metres.
Contains 3 sub-articles.
4th May 2008
A step-counting pedometer which renders the step count as Morse Code for aural consumption.
27th April 2008
More progress on the PSK-31 beacon.
Parent article: PSK-31 Beacon Mark 1.
20th April 2008
Prototype PSK-31 Beacon Keyer.
Contains 1 sub-article.
18th April 2008
Better circuit diagram drawing for the super-regen tone dipper.
Parent article: Super-Regenerative Tone Dipper.
12th April 2008
My simple, fully isolated, audio keyed, PSK-31 interface for my FT-817ND.
29th March 2008
A prototype tone-coded multi-channel remote control system.
23rd March 2008
Various toy AM transceiver circuits on 11 metres.
Contains 1 sub-article.
8th March 2008
A small transmitting loop antenna for 20 metres using a Aluminium bicycle wheel rim.
1st March 2008
Building a toy VHF phone transceiver for 3 metres using only one transistor for both TX and RX!
29th February 2008
Using the Negistor to implement a simple sidetone for minimalist QRP rigs.
4th February 2008
I add a front-end and a box to the 30 Metre Autodyne Receiver
Parent article: 30 Metre Autodyne Receiver.
27th January 2008
An interesting and quite useful autodyne receiver that phase locks the remote RF signal.
Contains 1 sub-article.
20th January 2008
The HF Active Auroral Research Program conducted Luna bounce experiments on the 19th and 20th. I listened in.
31st December 2007
A discussion on how non-linear systems produce harmonic and intermodulation distortion.
16th December 2007
Some experiments with a tuned receiving loop for HF.
4th November 2007
An interesting detector idea from PA2OHH.
Contains 1 sub-article.
21st October 2007
Peter and I take some assorted radios and antennas to the Fairfax Walking Track at North Head NSW.
30th September 2007
Another ARNSW trash and treasure day, including the Homebrew Group meeting with the display of the 80 metre challenge projects and a technical presentation on RF filters.
22nd September 2007
A super-regenerative dip meter that is extremely sensitive and easy to use.
Contains 1 sub-article.
16th September 2007
A simple dip meter using an audio tone as the read-out mechanism instead of a moving coil meter.
16th September 2007
A simple but useful nano-Henry inductance meter adapter for your frequency counter. Doubles as a capacitance meter and stability assessment device.
9th September 2007
A simple 50 Ohm power meter adapter for a multimeter. (Also talks about my diode probe.)
9th June 2007
My experiments with JFET biasing lead to a simple 455 kHz IF module.
2nd June 2007
A quickie hack that actually worked pretty well.
27th May 2007
Some pictures from the 50th birthday party for the Dural VK2WI broadcast facility.
26th May 2007
A twinlead j-pole design for 2 metres gives rise to measurements of velocity factor for VK-available twinlead.
26th May 2007
A very simple 2 metre AM transceiver from Roger Lapthorn G3XBM.
15th April 2007
An 80 metre super-heterodyne SSB receiver built using BC556 devices only.
11th March 2007
My cute little EFHW tuner with in-built VSWR bridge.
4th March 2007
My implementation of Drew Diamond VK3XU's "Nano-L", plus how I constructed and trimmed my calibration inductances.
3rd March 2007
The circuit diagram for the transmitter so far.
Parent article: "2007 80m Homebrew Challenge".
25th February 2007
I put the 4 Watt exciter in an Aluminium box.
Parent article: "2007 80m Homebrew Challenge".
24th February 2007
IRF510s arrive and I build a TX power-chain.
Parent article: "2007 80m Homebrew Challenge".
18th February 2007
I go to the CCARC field day and think about different RX topologies.
Parent article: "2007 80m Homebrew Challenge".
17th February 2007
I get the TX talking to the RX and true First-Light for the Receiver.
Parent article: "2007 80m Homebrew Challenge".
7th February 2007
I start building the RX side of things.
Parent article: "2007 80m Homebrew Challenge".
5th February 2007
I build the AM exciter, including crystal oscillator and speech amp.
Parent article: "2007 80m Homebrew Challenge".
31st January 2007
I decide on low-level AM modulation, design and breadboard an AM modulator.
Parent article: "2007 80m Homebrew Challenge".
28th January 2007
Clarification on the Challenge requirements means a completely different approach.
Parent article: "2007 80m Homebrew Challenge".
24th January 2007
I complete a 1 Watt DSB transmitter lash-up.
Parent article: "2007 80m Homebrew Challenge".
22nd January 2007
My study of the VE7GC "Wee Willy" 80 metre DSB transmitter power amplifier.
14th January 2007
My experiments with the VK2ZOI Flower-Pot antenna for 2 metres.
13th January 2007
A very easy to get going VHF impedance bridge for antenna work.
13th January 2007
My work towards the ARNSW Homebrew Group's "2007 80m Homebrew Challenge" transmitter project.
Contains 11 sub-articles.
13th January 2007
I first read about the challenge on the ARNSW website.
Parent article: "2007 80m Homebrew Challenge".
7th January 2007
A simple direct conversion receiver for 80 metres using a ceramic resonator VXO.
18th November 2006
My go at making a JF1OZL-style spectrum analyser for 40 metres.
11th November 2006
A simple filter-based SSB exciter. Still work in progress, but will some day become an SSB transceiver.
19th October 2002
My implementation of SM0VPO's cute little QRP linear amplifier.
18th November 2001
Small, peppermint tin sized, 80m receiver. Borrows the elegant WA6OTP PTO VFO.
11th November 2001
A small experimental HF rig based on a Permeability Tuned Oscillator for the VFO. Currently on 20m, but the plan is to move it to 80m once debugged.
24th September 2001
A simple 14.91 MHz comb generator that I built for testing a S-Band dish.