Beach Shoot #12 - Helicopter

Date: 2003-11-21


Standard 9 mm ID, 50 mm long rocket tube. End plugs of wax treated cat litter. One end rammed on 8 mm high nipple, the other rammed flush using a case extender.

The flush end was the one that the spin/lift vent was drilled in, just about the clay and into the pure meal propellant. A 1.8 mm drill was used, the hole fused with thin blackmatch and meal-NC paste in the usual manner.

The recessed end was slotted with a pair of snips, such that a paddle-pop stick could be placed into the slot and glued in place with some hot-melt. The vent pointed about 45 degrees down with respect to the plane of the stick, so as to provide not only rotational thrust but lift as well.


Worked Very Well!

I haven't had much luck with helicopters before, but clearly this design works quite well. Some basic clean-ups like a tapered rammer vent-end plug and/or waterglass treatment should improve performance.

The device was not recovered, so its nozzle widening could not be established. The lift-off direction was rather unpredictable, perhaps a more gentle thrust vector would be better? Experimentation will tell.


title type size
Test Video video/x-msvideo 1.020 Mbytes
Pre-Test Picture image/jpeg 39.858 kbytes