Beach Shoot #11 - Titanium Stinger

Date: 2003-11-10


19 mm Stinger, 64 mm long, charged with 20 g of meal with 10% spherical Titanium added. Finished device weighed 43 g.

Nozzle and bulkhead of wax treated cat litter, fused with zinc effects blackmatch, glued into the waterglass treated spin vent with meal-NC paste.

Large bamboo skewer as a launch pin, stuck directly into the sand as in previous stinger launches.


Wonderful Tail.

Went fairly high for a stinger, huge umbrella envelope of softly crackling Titanium effect, at least 6 feet across.

Couldn't be happier with the effect, except perhaps if it lasted a little longer and went a bit higher, but I don't believe that is possible with this propellant configuration.

The expended device was not recovered. I would really like to recover one of these in the future to study.


title type size
Flight Video video/x-msvideo 1.247 Mbytes
Pre-Test Picture image/jpeg 31.900 kbytes