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8th March 2011 19:44
Alan, you might be able to estimate the charging current by connecting the neon bulb directly to the terminal(coke can) and ground. each time the bulb flashes, it discharges the terminal from the bulb's breakdown voltage (maybe 60 to 90 V) until the terminal voltage drops to the bulb's extinction voltage (20 to 50V lower than the breakdown voltage.) (Putting the bulb in an ordinary relaxation oscillator circuit allows measuring your bulb's characteristics with a scope.) Your estimate of the coke can's capacitance to ground, the delta V of the bulb, and the bulb's flashing rate is enough information to measure the charging current at this low terminal voltage. A polystyrene (very low leakage) capacitor in parallel with the bulb can be used to measure the can's capacitance using the formula for parallel capacitors (this added capacitor value must be known.) It reduces the flashing rate (inversely proportional to the total capacitance) assuming the charging current remains constant. The ratio of the flashing rates before and after adding the capacitor and the capacitor's marked value are all that's needed for the terminal capacitance calculation assuming delta V of the bulb and the charging current are constant.
The neon bulb with bare leads needs to be clean enough to avoid a "low" resistance leakage path across it. This might prevent building up sufficient voltage to breakdown the bulb. Of course, a leaky bulb still works when you draw a spark to it through the insulating (until the spark) air, so the terminal voltage can increase without leakage from the bulb.
25th January 2009 23:17
Thanks, that would be most appreciated.
I once enquired locally about getting 500 mm diameter hemispheres spun from Aluminium (about 28 pF capacitance - about 200 mJ at 120 kV). It wasn't too expensive, but I never went ahead with it.
I figure some of that big elastic band thing that people use for aerobics would make a pretty good belt. I have the bearings in the junkbox and could use the coronatron supplies I have in the junkbox as a charging source. PVC is a fairly good insulator for the pylon. The rest if just a matter of metal and wood work and finding a suitable motor, probably from an old fan. It is really just the hemispheres that are the part that stopped me scaling up from this little toy one.
25th January 2009 22:44
Hi Alan
I have some old plans for building van de graff generators, In the the next week or so I'll scan and email them to you.
26th April 2011 21:17
Alan Yates wrote...